Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Yearbook Cover Ideas

Use your cell phone to text your choice of covers. Your response will be anonymous so don't worry about what others will think!

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Preparing the Bookstore

Preparing the Bookstore - Video

Backpack? Check.

Class schedule? Check.

Spirit clothing? Check.

Books? Books?

At the heart of a college class are the books selected by the professors. Many think the campus bookstore is just a quiet place to pick up the textbooks and supplies needed to survive the next semester.

They would be so wrong.

AT "T minus 24," the OU Bookstore was a frenzy of coordinated activity. It looked as if a bomb had gone off in a cardboard factory. Employees were climbing over each other in an effort to unbox the merchandise being received.

The days and weeks prior to the beginning of school are a frenzy of activity and long hours for those working to get the store ready for the return of students.

"I've been working 40 hour weeks for the last 3 weeks," said senior broadcast media major Chason Smith of Dallas.

"We've been getting truck after truck for the last couple of weeks. It's crazy!" said junior Callie Johnson of Stilwell.

Student employees sort, tag, and hang clothing merchandise based on color, size, and style. Downstairs in the bookstore, textbooks are sorted by subject, get their security tags and find their way to the proper shelves.

For the employees Aug. 23 will be here way too soon. But let there be no doubt, the trash will be gone, the shirts hung neatly on their racks, and the books stacked in neat rows on the shelves.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

July 2010 Workshop

I am very excited to be a part of the Oklahoma Multimedia Workshop being held in the Gaylord Center for Communication and Journalism. The facility is amazing, not surprising considering the location, and the class is small but very fun.

At this point, it has been more than a little overwelming. The amount of tools, sites, etc that is available to teachers is staggering. Hopefully, I can come away with a small arsenal of tools to use back in class.

This afternoon is shooting video with Flip video cameras.....looking forward to it!